Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lovin' It!

My host parents are listening to "my humps" no lie. hahaha I'm downstairs and I can here it- it's so loud!! hahaha :) oh gosh.. they really are sweet though.

Anyways.. I've been very busy.. lets see..

Wednesday 8/19-21 I went on a grade 11 leadership camp! I can't tell you guys how much fun it was!! It was great to chill and bond with all the girls for a good three days. The camp was in a BEAUTIFUL town called Hogsback.. waterfalls, mountains, and rivers! I got a lot of true fresh air.. it was amazing! During camp, we did SO SO many fun activities I did everything i had time for- why not?!
some of the things I did--
1. Climbed a 7 meter (wobbly) wooden pole.. stood up on a tiny platform just big enough for my feet to fit on- and leaped into the air! It was a trapeze jump. :) I was the first person to get up there and do it! haha I simply told myself i was going to do it, got up, counted to three and jumped! I'd do it again in a heartbeat!! All the girls think I'm crazy brave. I didn't really think it was too scary!
2. A group of three girls.. Danielle, Izuz, and I completed a challenge called Jacobs ladder. This thing was a HUGE ladder, it hung 9meters high. It was made of large logs (about 8 logs) spaced at different distances apart. it was easily on of the most physically challenging things I've ever done. Teamwork was key. We could not have completed it without the other to lean on, step on, grab onto, or encourage. We were the ONLY group to complete this challenge! It's SO awesome to be able to say that.
3. A night hike.. with no "torches" (flashlights). It was very cool. You had to trust the person in front of you for direction!

It was the most fun I've had in a long time!! It's also nice to feel like I finally have friends.
After the most incredible week, I got to spend the weekend with the Benyon's! We went to the Albany Museum in G-town, took a "poor man's" game drive.. and we saw a giraffe!!!!! It was SO COOL!! I love driving around looking for animals!

On Monday 8/24 I gave my first speech about myself to The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset! It went very well (or so I'm told)! I'm very glad to have that done.. but it was fun to let them get to know me a little more! They are really sweet and everyone is so welcoming! :)

Also to my club at home- Thank you so much for supporting me and thinking of me! Make sure and keep me up to date with the new students from Monticello who are applying this year to take the leap and experience an amazing year far from home. I can't wait to tell you all about my year.. It'll be so great to share with all of you!!

I'm keeping busy with school.. goodness the teachers here just love HUGE projects for some reason. It sucks. Also, Athletics has started. It's basically like a fitness session. One hour of being active twice a week. It's fun, and sometimes a bit silly.. but the girls are great, and it's nice to be active! :)

That's all I have for now..
God's peace and love-


  1. Amazing, Ali! What courage! Just to go in the first place, and then complete these things, awesome. Love the pix on Facebook. Hope to hear all about it when you get home!

  2. Hi, Ali. Your stories are fascinating. I just caught up with you blog tonight and loved it. You have even inspired me to find out how to get on face book so I can see your pix. I know about the beauty of the Indian Ocean. Lived right on it on one mission trip to Mozambique. I'm going to copy your blog and take it to Nanny to read. We are having her birthday celebration at P&B's on Saturday. Your writings will be a special treat for her. Take good care of yourself and soak up as much as you possibly can. We love you!

    Aunt Caryl
